The Expression of our lives- Evoking a smile, Resurrecting a memory!

The fifteenth Edition

It becomes increasingly easy, as you get older, to drown in nostalgia. ~Ted Koppel

The 15th edition of ''Expressions'' is out. 
It suddenly makes me Conscious about how old I have become.  
The first edition of Expressions was published in 2002-03 when I was a first grader. 

The cover page unleashes the feeling of nostalgia which generally remains hidden behind the cloak of maturity. 
The Older Editions

I remember how Hira bhaiya would enter our classroom with two bundle of new magazines and a whisper of ''Magazine aa gaya'' would ensue in the classroom.  
Sometimes the class monitors would be called in the office which would provide us a moment for gossiping.  

The magazine would be distributed in a scurry by the same monitors, with the teacher in the classroom repeatedly saying, ''Keep your magazines inside your school bags.  You will have plenty of time to read it later.'' 🙈
Brats as we were, would peek a glance or two repeatedly at the colourful pages as the class resumed, hoping to skim the entire magazine in that short span when we were told not to. 
The bell would ring and the next ten minutes, before the next teacher came would be very fulfilling.  
A friend would open his/her magazine and four five of us will bury our noses in its pages.
''Look that's my article! ''
''see my photograph! ''
''yayy! There are three photos of me in it! ''

Expressions always brought a wave of emotions and expressions with it. 

Today as my sister handed me the 15th edition, I Began reminiscing the golden days at the school. 


Our mornings at Sncs would start with ''God give me courage..! '', which was actually sung in unison. 

It would be followed by news and thought for the day.  Then came the sentence i still miss. Our respected Principal ma'm would take over the smile and with a radiating smile say, ''Good morning children! ''
''Good morning ma'm! ''
''Go to your classes! ''

How the simplest of things remains etched in our minds for eternity. 

The pride we felt on entering Principal ma'm's chamber on birthdays and the way she blessed us. 😍
The Pillars of Sncs

It's been 5 years since i officially left Sncs, mentally and emotionally I'm still a student there, fighting in line for that ''football court wala samosa''.  

Jumping,  grabbing the attention of the Samosa wala and getting a samosa from him used to be a very proud task.. 😂

Someday you would be lucky to get his attention quickly. And on other days when your fate wasn't in your favour, the bill would ring, and the samosa wale bhaiya would get down from the wall taking your dream and five-ten rupees with him. 

If you're brave enough,  you will indulge in an argument with him the next day, because Sadda Haq, right? 

I found great pleasure in troubling the school-prefects who stood on the back side of the school. They chanted the same mantra everyday ''walk fast, walk fast! ''. 
Few of them already knew me, and smiled.  But there were some who had vowed in the Felicitation ceremony of never smiling as long as they held the badge. 

I intentionally pissed them off by saying in a sing song way
''Didi/bhaiya smileeeee! Apna hi school hai..!  ''. 
In the beginning they would glare. But eventually they actually smiled. 😂
I never had the honour of being taught by her.  But she was the one who praised me and often motivated me to never leave the love for literature. Dayal ma'm. 

Coming to the teachers, I terribly miss every teacher of Sncs, regardless of the fact whether they taught me or not. Because the teachers at Sncs never failed to infuse the values of life in every student. 

Apart from the junior wing teachers,  who sowed the seeds of education in us, the senior wing teachers who watered the seed and transformed it into a plant will always be in our minds.  The absence of few teachers, especially Chaitali ma'm,  Koel ma'm and Pai ma'm gives a strange feeling.  A lot has changed. 
The lady who inculcated moral values in us.  Her teachings still shows me the difference between right and wrong. Manju ma'm. 

Apart from this, like Dilli ki Sardi, ''Sncs ki Diwali'' is something no Sncian will ever forget in their lives. 
How those students banged the entire premises in spite of the repeated bag checks and teachers patrolling the corridors is still a mystery to me. 

Hira bhaiya,  Moti bhaiya,  Didis,  they never failed to answer our queries or help us.  I miss their smiles too. 

Republic day celebration,  Teacher's day celebration,  
Independence day celebration and the annual day triggered a festive spirit in every student of the school.

Last but not the least,  i can't remember sncs without remembering the library.  
I can't even remember How many times I had wished to get accidentally locked in it during the summer break.😂

I still visit Sncs regularly but it saddens me that most of the teachers have retired or have left. And others are about to retire in an year or two.
The Lady Who Made Me Whatever I'm Today Mrs. Chitra Sahai
The campus still glows with old memories. 
And hence ''expressions'' made me blurt my own set of expressions.  

Forever an Sncian. 


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