The Cheese Must Go On!

Book Review - Who moved my cheese by Dr. Spencer Johnson

Reading time - Fifty minutes to one hour

When life changes to be harder, change yourself to be stronger. 

If you are someone who struggles to adapt to frequent changes in life or workplace, this book will oil up your senses and bless you with a mind boggling experience.

After being ignored by me for ages for being so skinny, this ninety five pages of blessing finally caught my eye this new year. And I'm glad it did.

It changed my attitude towards changes that are a gruesome yet inevitable part of life. I detested the slightest of changes, but now I laugh at them, and adapting to them has become a cakewalk!

Predominantly this book is about changes! 

Changes are the only constant in this world. From winners to losers, from weather to temperature, from syllabus to exam pattern, from lecturers to bosses, from friends to strangers, from lovers to acquaintance, we have seen weird, cranky changes in our life as well as in the lives of people around us. Some of the changes were irrevocably loved.

Most of them were immensely detested.
This book is about loving all of them.

This book is about becoming a "friend of change" rather than "becoming a critic". 

The 'cheese' in the title of the book is referred to as the worldly pleasures we are blindly marching after, be it money or fame. Once we get the "cheese" we tend to tightly clutch it between our fingers, confident that would be ours forever.
But since Nothing Lasts Forever, our tasty mouthwatering cheese is either finished (ouch!) or is handed over to a new cheese searcher.

What remains in our hands is disappointment, stress, self pity and of course the most used line becomes our saviour, "This can't happen to me. "

"But It already has my friend." Life says. We pay no need to it owing to the fact that the trait of an ostrich is embedded in our souls so deeply.

Slowly and steadily frustration becomes our middle name.

This book is about how to stop frustration from becoming your middle name.

Step 1 - You can't avoid change, so stop expecting change not to happen.

Cheese may come 
Cheese may go 
But life goes on forever!

Step 2 - Be always ready for a change. (Sounds like an uninvited guest, doesn't it?)

Step 3- Evaluate the intensity of change and its impact on your life.

Step 4- Toss the coin and try visualizing the positive effects of this change.

Step 5- Smile-Brush yourself- get ready for a new cheese.

Standing water becomes breeding water for mozzies (mosquitoes)

 Don't let your life become a breeding ground of failure..

What I liked the most about the book - 

The four characters of the book are just a caricature of the different feelings that we face at different times.

What I disliked 

Only ninety five pages? (Sob!)
My famished mind can't be contended with so less cheese.

But this cheese was pretty tempting and delicious, so I guess the growling of the mind can be pacified with the six most inspiring quotes from the book, which are as follows -

“If you do not change, you can become extinct”

My say -  If you keep clinging to your ex partner, or previous job, or previous house, you will never see the future!

“What would you do if you were not afraid?”

My Say - Our fear of change makes us hate changes. Eradicate the fear, you will do wonders.

“Smell the cheese often, so you know when it is getting old”

My Say - Read the signs. Rome wasn't built in a day. Changes don't happen in a day.

“The quicker you let go of old cheese, the sooner you find new cheese”

My Say - the sooner you accept the changes in life, the better chances you have of getting something better.

“Old belief do not led you to new cheese”

My Say - you can't do the same actions everyday, follow the same belief everyday and expect a different result. Change according to the change.

“Move with the cheese”

My Say - Life goes on my friend! When you see a change, go on with it. Resisting it will not make life easier.

All In all, this book is worth a read once in a lifetime. This can work wonders in your life.

Accept changes. 
Love changes. 

Say cheese!!!!!


  1. When life changes to be harder,change urself to be stronger!
    Good oneπŸ˜‰
    Hope everyone applies it in their own life 😊

  2. Change for a change before change, changes you

  3. This is awesome. Looking forward for more such reviews. :)

  4. I have read this book last year...well summarized... change is the law of life in this 21st century..

  5. How many times one read 'who moved my cheese'
    He/she relate the book to a new situation in their life.
    Because change is constant in every aspect of life.

    Nice review of book


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