
Showing posts from April, 2017

Keep your heart bigger, Life is too small!

There's hardly a day when the news doesn't carry the news of a demise, loss, or departure of a fellow homo sapien. It's just a news for us because it rarely concerns us. But someday,as each day passes, as we travel through the path of life, and we hear about loss of a closed one,  we pause to mourn. We are aghast. How can someone we know just disappear into nothingness? People whom we know aren't suppose to leave, right? But they do. They say, ''every end is beautiful. Every end marks a new beginning.'' Is it? No. Abrupt endings aren't beautiful. Abrupt endings can't pave way for new beginning. Only if we live, smile and make others smile each moment, we can make abrupt endings beautiful too. When people depart. They carry several pieces of souls with them. Souls of parents, family members, friends, classmates..  The list is endless. And when such incident occurs, we realise life's too uncertain. Life's too small. A...

The Plight of Old Aged People!

Ephesians 5:31 of the Holy Bible says,“ Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” Little had one known this would come true in the worst possible way. Little had one known that's exactly how people will turn out to be. Selfish. Insensitive. Heartless. We all are silent witnesses to the massive rise in the number of old age homes in the country. We don't fail to discuss in hushed tones about someone who left his mother to wither away in an enshrouded old age home, or worse, someone who keeps his parents with him and never fails to torment them in the last few days of their life. We are silent spectators to the ordeals faced by old aged people in our own family. Where have we come to?  The plight of these old ages people is heart wrenching. Why do parents become a burden after a point of time? The will to stay ''alone'' With the advent of western culture, men and women of...